Matplotlib backend#

Matplotlib interface layer.


Sets zorder of all non-text “geoms” to 2 so that elements plotted later on are on top of previous ones.

Object creation and I/O#

create_plotting_grid(number[, rows, cols, ...])

Create a chart with a grid of plotting targets in it.


Show all existing matplotlib figures.


line(x, y, target, *[, color, alpha, width, ...])

Interface to matplotlib for a line plot.

scatter(x, y, target, *[, size, marker, ...])

Interface to matplotlib for a scatter plot.

text(x, y, string, target, *[, size, alpha, ...])

Interface to matplotlib for adding text to a plot.

Plot appeareance#

title(string, target, *[, size, color])

Interface to matplotlib for adding a title to a plot.

ylabel(string, target, *[, size, color])

Interface to matplotlib for adding a label to the y axis.

xlabel(string, target, *[, size, color])

Interface to matplotlib for adding a label to the x axis.

xticks(ticks, labels, target, **artist_kws)

Interface to matplotlib for adding x ticks and labels to a plot.

yticks(ticks, labels, target, **artist_kws)

Interface to matplotlib for adding y ticks and labels to a plot.

ticklabel_props(target, *[, axis, size, color])

Interface to matplotlib for setting ticks size.

remove_ticks(target, *[, axis])

Interface to matplotlib for removing ticks from a plot.

remove_axis(target[, axis])

Interface to matplotlib for removing axis from a plot.


legend(target, kwarg_list, label_list[, ...])

Generate a legend on a figure given lists of labels and property kwargs.