
How to run the test suite#

To run the test suite tox should be installed.

Run the whole test suite#

Tox creates an independent env where all testing dependencies are installed and then runs pytest to execute all tests on the /test:

tox -e py311

The -e flag stands for “execute” we want to execute a previously defined job that takes care of the steps above. The job name is “py” followed by your local python version without decimal point.


It is also possible to run pytest tests/ directly instead of tox -e py311, and all commands covered in this page work either way. However, it is recommended to use tox to isolate the testing environment and have local testing be as similar as possible as testing in CI jobs.

Pass arguments to pytest#

We can also pass arguments through tox to pytest. With this we can for example select specific subsets of tests to be executed with the -k flag:

tox -e py311 -- -k plot_trace_dist

Would run all tests whose name contains plot_trace_dist. The pytest documentation lists and describes all available options.

Custom pytest arguments#

In addition to built-in pytest arguments, we have also defined a couple extra flags in tests/conftest.py to handle arviz-plots specific situations.

Skip flags#

One of the drivers of arviz-plots design is ensuring parity between the different plotting backends with minimal duplication.

Therefore, all tests that depend on the plotting backend should be parametrized with @pytest.mark.parametrize("backend", backend_list) to make sure all backends pass all relevant tests.

At the same time however, arviz-plots considers all backends optional dependencies, so not all backends might be installed and consequently, not all tests can be executed. By default, testing works under the assumption that all backends are installed, but backend specific tests can be skipped when running the test suite:

tox -e py311 -- --skip-bokeh
tox -e py311 -- --skip-mpl


It is also possible to use both flags, in which case, only tests independent of the plotting backend like asethetic generation and the like will be executed.

Saving matplotlib figures generated by tests#

Testing checks plotting functions can be executed and return objects with the right properties, but there are no checks against the actual generated images.

As we might often want to check the generated images, there is also a --save flag to indicate pytest to save all figures generated by matplotlib while testing.

This flag takes one optional argument in case we want to specify the folder where the images will be saved, otherwise it defaults to test_images in the project home folder.

tox -e py311 -- --save

Generates basically the same output as any test job:

build: _optional_hooks> python ...
  py311: OK (42.26=setup[1.79]+cmd[40.47] seconds)
  congratulations :) (42.31 seconds)

But if you inspect the project home folder, you should see a /test_images folder with contents similar to:

'test_grid[matplotlib].png'                            'test_plot_forest_extendable[matplotlib].png'        'test_plot_trace_dist[True-False-matplotlib].png'
'test_grid_rows_cols[cols-matplotlib].png'             'test_plot_forest[False-matplotlib].png'             'test_plot_trace_dist[True-True-matplotlib].png'
'test_grid_rows_cols[rows-matplotlib].png'             'test_plot_forest_models[matplotlib].png'            'test_plot_trace[matplotlib].png'
'test_grid_scalar[matplotlib].png'                     'test_plot_forest_sample[matplotlib].png'            'test_plot_trace_sample[matplotlib].png'
'test_grid_variable[matplotlib].png'                   'test_plot_forest[True-matplotlib].png'              'test_wrap[matplotlib].png'
'test_plot_dist[matplotlib].png'                       'test_plot_trace_dist[False-False-matplotlib].png'   'test_wrap_only_variable[matplotlib].png'
'test_plot_dist_models[matplotlib].png'                'test_plot_trace_dist[False-True-matplotlib].png'    'test_wrap_variable[matplotlib].png'

About arviz-plots testing#