

classmethod PlotCollection.grid(data, cols=None, rows=None, backend=None, plot_grid_kws=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Instatiate a PlotCollection and generate a plot grid iterating over rows and columns.

dataxarray.Dataset or dict of {str: xarray.Dataset}

If data is a dictionary, the Datasets stored as its values will be concatenated, creating a new dimension called model.

cols, rowsiterable of hashable, optional

Dimensions of the dataset for which different coordinate values should have different plots. A special dimension called __variable__ is also available, to indicate that each variable of the input Dataset should have their own plot; it can also be combined with other dimensions.

The generated grid will have as many plots as unique combinations of values within cols and rows.

backendstr, optional

Plotting backend.

plot_grid_kwsmapping, optional

Passed to create_plotting_grid of the chosen plotting backend.

**kwargsmapping, optional

Passed as is to the initializer of PlotCollection. That is, used for aes and **kwargs arguments. See generate_aes_dt for more details about these arguments.